Files forever. On chain.
Chainify stores your entire file on the blockchain.
In a world, where AI can create fakes with the click of a mouse, we need a solution that restores trust in important documents.
Chainify harnesses the unique technology and economics of the blockchain to create such a solution.
Enhanced reliability, usual user interface
With Chainify, you can have the ultimate ultra-reliable storage infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology, while keeping a simple the user experience close to the that of common cloud storage services.
The blockchain keeps assets worth 1 trillion dollars.
Your files will benefit from this ultimate security.
Pay once, keep forever
The blockchain is kept alive by people who believe in the value represented by its coins. As long as somebody sees value in it, they will keep the servers running. By taking care of their money, people also take care of your files, as both are chained together.
You pay once, and the blockchain ecosystem will ensure that your file is kept forver. Even if chainify or you yourself were not around any more.
The blockchain cannot be censored. It is decentral and resides on many – often hundreds – of servers. There is no chance that your document will be censored on all of them.
In fact, it is technically impossible to remove a single entry from the blockchain. Everything is chained together. If your docuements could be removed, then the tokens of other people could also be removed. That has never happened, because the blockchain is designed to never be changed.
Two technologies ensure 100% authenticity of your files.
Every file that chainify writes to the blockchain is signed with your digital signature. This makes impersonation or AI-generated fakery impossible.
Additionally, the blockchain keeps a cryptographic fingerprint of each of your files – a so-called hash. This makes it technologically impossible to ever alter your files.
Unlock the demo
Transform the way you see file storage. Request your access to our demo today.
The demo runs on the Algorand chain, but our technology is chain agnostic. Ethereum, Bitcoin and Solana will be available soon. If you don’t have an Algorand wallet, we will walk you through the 2 minute setup process.
Fill out the request the access the demo and receive updates about future developments.